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LINGOs Curso em Gestão de Projetos PMD Pro1 / Oct. 17 – Nov. 14, 2017 / Cancelled

Desenhado para dar resposta às necessidades dos gerentes de projetos, gerentes de qualidade ou pessoal de apoio responsável da criação e implementação de um projeto de desenvolvimento, este curso virtual misto de quatro semanas (on-line y off-line) prepara aos participantes para fazer o exame de certificação em Gestão de Projetos:

Os participantes precisam de disponibilidade de aproximadamente seis horas na semana durante o curso, distribuídas como segue:

  • Três horas na semana para aula virtual nas terças e sextas feiras neste horário (segundo a sua região):
  • o   América Central                   8:30 as 10:00 horas
    • o   Brasil                                     11:30 as 13:00 horas
    • o   Angola                                  15:30 as 17:00 horas
    • o   Guiné Bissau                       14:30 as 16:00 horas
    • o   Moçambique                        16:30 as 18:00 horas
  • Adicionalmente, três horas para leituras variadas fora de línea, exercícios e vídeos de apoio, com recursos de aprendizagem eletrônico ao seu próprio ritmo, em uma comunidade de prática virtual.

Aberto a todos, no precisa de um grado universitário para participar. O conteúdo do curso está baseado no Guia do PMD Pro1 (faça download sem custo em www.pm4ngos.org).

O curso requer no mínimo 30 participantes registrados. Caso o número de pessoas fosse insuficiente, será notificado e os pagamentos com cartão de crédito serão devolvidos.

O preço do curso inclui todas as sessões on-line, acesso aos materiais de apoio, módulos de auto aprendizagem, acesso à comunidade virtual de prática, uma ferramenta de avaliação de maturidade em gestão de projetos para ser aplicada nos projetos e nas organizações, e treinamento com um facilitador privado. (Preço não inclui  exame de certificação).

LINGOs Curso en Gestión de Proyectos PMD Pro2 / July 18 – August 11, 2017

LINGOs Curso en Gestión de Proyectos PMD Pro2 / July 18 – August 11, 2017

El curso PMDPro, nivel 2, es un curso avanzado que está diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de cualquier gestor de proyecto de una ONG, gerentes de calidad de un proyecto o personal de apoyo responsable de la creación e implementación de un proyecto de desarrollo, siempre que ya haya sido certificado en PMDPro nivel 1, como requisito fundamental para pasar al nivel siguiente.

El énfasis del nivel 2, va hacia la aplicación de los conceptos y herramientas de PMDPro. Este curso mixto de cuatro semanas (en línea y fuera de línea) es accesible a participantes que cuenten con una conexión a Internet fiable.

Los participantes en este programa de cuatro semanas, deberán tener una disponibilidad de aproximadamente ocho horas por semana durante el curso, distribuidas así:

  • Tres horas a la semana para clase virtual los martes y viernes de 8:30 a.m. a 10:00 a.m. hora de América Central (consulte http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ para verificar el horario de su localidad).
  • Cinco horas dedicadas a lecturas fuera de línea, recursos de e-learning a su propio ritmo, participación en la comunidad virtual y preparación de tareas.

Curso abierto a todos. El curso requiere un mínimo de 20 alumnos inscritos. Si el número de participantes inscritos es insuficiente, se les notificará y los pagos con tarjeta de crédito serán reembolsados.

El curso se dará en español y el contenido está basado en la Guía PMD Pro1 (descarga gratuita en www.pm4ngos.org), y en lecturas adicionales proveídas por los facilitadores. Estudios de caso serán proveídos luego de que los participantes se hayan registrado.

El costo del curso incluye el acceso a todas las clases en línea, materiales, módulos de e-learning, acceso a la comunidad virtual, y coaching del facilitador (Ese costo no incluye el valor a pagar por el derecho de examen de certificación PMD Pro2).

La última sesión del curso de 4 semanas, se enfocará en la aplicación de las herramientas y técnicas aprendidas durante el mismo. Durante el curso, los participantes podrán hacer contacto directo con los facilitadores, para aclarar dudas sobre el material y revisar conceptos y adaptaciones a sus organizaciones.

LINGOs PMD Pro 1 Flex – French / April 3 – May 26, 2017

LINGOs PMD Pro 1 Flex: 12-Week Project Management for Development Professionals 1 (PMD Pro 1) Course

Understand PMD Pro 1 online and completely in your own time with PMD Pro Flex:

  • Learn through engaging videos, assignments, and structured reading.
  • Interact and learn with other participants and a facilitator in a virtual and social learning environment.
  • Earn points for various tasks completed, including watching videos, completing assignments, leaving comments and interacting with others.
  • The more tasks you complete, the more points you’ll earn. And the quicker you earn these points, the sooner you’ll complete the course.

To successfully complete the course within 12 weeks, we recommend that you dedicate at least four hours per week. 

You will be prepared and ready to take the PMD Pro 1 exam by the end of the course.

The course fee includes access to all aspects of the course. This does not include the PMD Pro 1 exam certification fee.

As a participant, you will also receive a project management capacity assessment tool that you can use with your own projects and in your organization.

About PMD Pro 1

PMD Pro 1 is the first level of the Project Management in Development Professional certification series.

Contextualized for the international development sector, it includes content that provides the successful participants with sufficient project management knowledge to work as an informed member of a project team in the sector.

The PMD Pro 1 qualification is also a pre-requisite for the PMD Pro 2 qualification.

LINGOs Virtual Training Mastery Series- February 2017

The Virtual Classroom Mastery Series is a curriculum designed to support and promote LINGOs member agencies in the virtual classroom medium. It is part of our strategy to acclimate member agencies into becoming world class online learning experts through education, coaching, hands-on experience and results-driven online activities. The curriculum is derived from 2 individual courses, held on Tuesday and Wednesday February 7 and 8, 2017 from 8:00 am to 10:30 am Eastern time (Same time as New York):

1. Design and Development of Virtual Classroom Training (VCT)

Although this course is not dependent on a specific virtual classroom platform, the Blackboard Collaborate (formerly called “Elluminate Live!”) platform will be used to administer the class. This course is not designed to teach use of Blackboard Collaborate.

At the end of class, participants will be able to: – Identify the anatomy of a Virtual Class – Describe the tools available in most VCT engines to design robust interactivity – Transfer Instructor-led Training (ILT) design skills to VCT – Create Facilitator Guides and materials clearly and easily for VCT – Share Best-practices and experiences.

The Design and Development class will take approximately 2.5 hours. Prerequisites: – Participants must have attended at least one Virtual Class prior to class start time. – We recommend (but do not require) that participants attend a technical and functional session on their specific Virtual Classroom tool. – Participants must have an independent computer, internet connection, and microphone/headset, and have their computer configured for the Blackboard Collaborate platform.

2. Managing and Facilitating a Virtual Class

This class is intended for facilitators who will be teaching in a virtual classroom. This class is targeted for global staff of LINGOs member agencies who plan to deploy training via a virtual classroom.

At the end of the class, participants will be able to: – List 3 skills a VC training must have – Define characteristics of a successful virtual trainer – Explain the various roles of a virtual class – Define 4 ways to communicate with virtual learners – Articulate the value of at least 3 tools found in a virtual classroom – Tell us 3 ways to help a participant succeed in a virtual environment.

About the Instructor: Greg Davis, Precision eLearning

Greg Davis designed this course and has delivered it to LINGOs members for over four years. He will infect VTMS participants with his expertise, energy and enthusiasm for learning! Greg is the Principal at Precision eLearning. He is the former director of eLearning at American Express.

This class is available to the staff of LINGOs member agencies. Please register with your organizational email address. Registration is free of charge to LINGOs members.

Cancellation or withdrawal: We understand the nature of international development and humanitarian relief work, and that sometimes plans change.

If you are unable to attend this class after registering, please withdraw yourself by emailing lourdes@lingos.org by the end of your business day the Thursday before your class begins.

This highly interactive class requires a minimum of ten and a maximum of 25 students. We often have a waitlist of fellow international development/humanitarian relief workers waiting to take the course. When registered participants cancel without sufficient notice, or do not show-up at the start of class, they keep others out of the session, and also lead to last minute cancellation of the course, as we must have at least ten students to start the class.

While registration for staff of LINGOs Member Agencies is available at no cost, there is a US$75 fee, assessed to your employer, for late cancellation or no-show.