LINGOs Virtual Training Mastery Series- February 2017

Online Event - Registration Required

The Virtual Classroom Mastery Series is a curriculum designed to support and promote LINGOs member agencies in the virtual classroom medium. It is part of our strategy to acclimate member agencies into becoming world class online learning experts through education, coaching, hands-on experience and results-driven online activities. The curriculum is derived from 2 individual courses, held on …

LINGOs Virtual Training Mastery Series- April 2017

Online Event - Registration Required

The Virtual Classroom Mastery Series is a curriculum designed to support and promote LINGOs member agencies in the virtual classroom medium. It is part of our strategy to acclimate member agencies into becoming world class online learning experts through education, coaching, hands-on experience and results-driven online activities. The curriculum is derived from 2 individual courses, held on …

LINGOs Virtual Training Mastery Series- July 2017

Online Event - Registration Required

The Virtual Classroom Mastery Series is a curriculum designed to support and promote LINGOs member agencies in the virtual classroom medium. It is part of our strategy to acclimate member agencies into becoming world class online learning experts through education, coaching, hands-on experience and results-driven online activities. The curriculum is derived from 2 individual courses, held on …

LINGOs Virtual Training Mastery Series- October 2017

Online Event - Registration Required

The Virtual Classroom Mastery Series is a curriculum designed to support and promote LINGOs member agencies in the virtual classroom medium. It is part of our strategy to acclimate member agencies …