You asked for it! This quarter’s Blackboard Moderator training takes place at an earlier hour, to make it a little easier for staff in the Africa and Asia regions to attend! Share widely with global staff, space is limited!
Join LINGOs’ Manager of Member Services Gus Curran in a two-part workshop to build your skills as a moderator in the Blackboard Collaborate Virtual Classroom environment.
In this workshop, we will cover planning, delivering, and follow-up. Participants will have an opportunity for hands on practice of the tools that you’ll be using to deliver online training and webinars.
Here are some of the topics we’ll be covering in part one; August, 14 from 7:30 AM– 8:30 AM EST (same time as NY).
•Preparing your learners so that you can start on time
•Best practices for preparing your content for your session
•The most commonly used tools for delivering training, including whiteboard tools, application sharing, chat, video, and more.
•Tips for keeping learners engaged.
•Common in-session technical problems, how to recognize them, and how to handle them (and avoid them!)
In Part Two (August 21, 7:30 AM), you will have a chance to present to the other participants using the tools that you’re likely to use in your sessions. More on this at the first session.